Monday, September 15, 2008


hey everyone,

here are some phat pix that i took. the one of me is in my sari for my host brothers wedding. Note the mehendi (otherwise known as henna) all over my hands. also my host mom on the wedding day and my host sis on the ferris wheel. Also creepy ducks from the theme park i last posted about. and a sleeping cow outside meenakshi temple. THEY ARE EVERYWHERE.
ok i have to run, so much work to do, but i want those anonymous commenters from last post to reveal their true identities. who has sold the furmans into slavery? explain yourself!
thanks again for comments, i will ty to write more soon, emma


Vienna Jarlath said...

twas I.

Cahiu - Interjection. An exclamation of wonder at a highly odiferous or malpleasant scent.

"Cahiuuu!!! Do you smell that Vernon?!"

"Why, golly, Wellsley, I reckon that there was a whole mess of Bull fartin' goin on in this field 'fore we got here."

Mel Patrell Furman said...

Emma! No surprise you look great in a sari. Your host mom & sister are so beautiful!! Post some pictures of the house, which also looks lovely from the little I can see.

Alive and well and not yet enslaved, Mom

Kat said...

You look beautiful. I'm so excited for you!

rachel cohen said...

why don't you dress like that for me, huh.HUH!

ceilingwax said...

you look great! emma, we miss you!


and kanye sends his luv